Dr. Kam Yuen
Dr. Kam Yuen is a thirty-fifth generation Shaolin Grandmaster. His training mastery of Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Praying Mantis, Seven Star Mantis and Qi Gong began in childhood, while living in Hong Kong. His innate ability to detect and use an opponents energetic weaknesses to his advantage brought him legendary fame in the Western World of Martial Arts. His career in martial arts shifted dramatically when he discovered that his ability could be used to strengthen energetic weaknesses and eliminate pain.
- Technical Advisor for the television series, Kung Fu
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Nutrition
- Herbology
- Homeopathy and Sports Medicine
- Mechanical and structural engineer
- Research and development with Hughes aircraft company and Lockheed
- Teacher at Shaolin West-Conga Park CA, UCLA, USC, Cal State LA, LA City College
- Lecturer World Medical QiGong Conference – Beijing, China
- Whole Life and New Life Expos world wide
- Author of four books – Instant Healing, Instant Rejuvenation, Instant Pain Elimination, and his latest book Delete On the Spot Pain and Stress.
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